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25 Practical Uses For Lavender Essential Oil

I doubt that any oil can beat lavender essential oil in terms of sheer usefulness! Check out these 25 practical uses for lavender oil that will make daily life easier!

Jill Nystul • May 28, 2024

Jill Nystul • May 28, 2024

Jill Nystul • May 28, 2024

Jill Nystul • May 28, 2024

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If you are a regular reader of One Good Thing, you may already know that I have been a big fan of essential oils for years. Essential oils play a critical role in helping me keep my home and body in balance and harmony. In fact, over time, a supply of essential oils has gradually replaced an array of over the counter drugs, cleaners, pharmaceuticals, and other potentially toxic materials in my home.

If you are interested in exploring the value of essential oils in living a more organic and natural lifestyle, an excellent place to start is with lavender oil. It is simply hard to imagine any essential oil having more versatility.

Lavender essential oil is used in aromatherapy to promote relaxation, calm the nervous system, and reduce anxiety. Drops of lavender can help in minimizing the impact of fungal infections and allergies. It’s a staple in skincare routines. The potential health benefits lead many to use lavender to treat depression, insomnia, eczema, nausea, and to even reduce menstrual cramps. It is also believed to promote hair growth!

Distilled from the plant Lavandula angustifolia, lavender essential oil has antiseptic, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties and detoxifying and sedative effects. Its versatility is enhanced by the fact that it can be taken orally, as a lotion on the skin or breathed in using a diffuser and aromatherapy.

Get ready to be amazed by this popular essential oil and its versatility for use around the house and for personal care.

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A Note On Essential Oil Quality

My lavender essential oil is sourced from Bulgaria and steam-distilled. It has been verified as a 100% pure, authentic essential oil by GC/MS testing from an independent laboratory. Click here to view the full report.

25 Reasons To Keep Lavender Oil At The Ready

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1. Naturally Scented Laundry Sheets

Create your own fresh smelling, laundry sheets by adding a few drops to a coffee filter or clean cloth. Toss it into your dryer with your laundry and enjoy not only a floral scent in your laundry room but fresher smelling clothes!

2. Remove Splinters Easier

Lavender essential oil can provide significant relief from a hard to get to splinter. Adding a drop to the site of a splinter can reduce swelling, making the splinter easier to get to with tweezers. It also adds another layer of comfort for young splinter sufferers.

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3. A First Aid Kit Fundamental

If you have a first aid kit for minor scrapes or rashes, be sure to include some lavender oil. It is an easy, natural, and enticing smelling treatment for little scratches and scrapes. It can minimize swelling for some bruises.

4. Minimize Scarring

Lavender oil is so skin-friendly, many find it useful in reducing the appearance of scars over time. Massage some diluted lavender oil onto the area of the scar every day until the scar lessens. You can combine with a carrier oil like fractionated coconut oil. The scar may even disappear altogether!

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5. Freshen Carpets As You Vacuum

You and your family will love this vacuuming hack. Add some to a few cotton balls and place them inside the vacuum bag or dust collection cup. As you clean your carpets, the airflow from the vacuum will disperse the fresh floral scent throughout your home!

6. A Natural Deodorant

Keeping a small bottle of lavender oil at the office can come in handy if you are under pressure or forget to put on deodorant in the morning. Applying a few drops to your underarm area will keep you smelling fresh naturally!

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7. A More Restful Sleep

Having trouble getting the kiddos to sleep? Struggling to get a restful night’s sleep yourself? Lavender oil shines as a way to treat mild insomnia and improve sleep quality. Evidence suggests that just a spritz on pillows and bedsheets can promote a deeper, more rejuvenating sleep!

8. Soothe Bites & Stings

Some bites and stings can simply be annoying. Others can lead to uncomfortable swelling and itching. Having lavender essential oil on hand not only can reduce swelling but can relieve nagging itching. Just drop a few drops on the sting or bite area for almost instant relief!

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9. Power Up Your Ironing

Add just a couple of drops to the water in your iron before starting for not only fresher smelling clothes, but reduced wrinkles as well! Yes, I know, it’s still ironing, but it will be easier and just a bit more enjoyable.

10. A Natural Treatment for Cold Sores

Cold sores can be both painful and nagging. A mixture of a drop of lavender essential oil diluted with 10-15 drops of fractionated coconut oil can be applied directly to the cold sore to speed up the healing process.

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11. Freshen Linens and Stored Clothing

Sheets, towels, and clothing that have been stored for awhile can be brought back to life almost instantly with a home-made lavender oil simple linen spray. This is an easy solution for linens and clothing that have a musty smell.

12. Promote Hair Growth

Some people claim that you can have healthier, faster-growing hair with the help of lavender oil. Just add a drop to your shampoo and scrub into your wet hair. Let it sit for a minute or two before rinsing. You’ll have to be your own judge as to whether this actually stops hair loss.

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13. Cold & Flu Steam Treatment

Add a refreshing, airway-opening steam treatment to your cold & flu treatment regimen. Add about 4 to 6 drops to a bowl of hot water. Place a towel over your head and the bowl, inhaling the steamy air. Not only will this relieve congested breathing, but it has the bonus of having calming effects.

14. Natural, Relaxing Perfume

Smell fresh using the floral fragrance of lavender oil. Just use a dab or drop on the wrists or behind the ears. Reapply every few hours to refresh and enjoy the relaxing aroma.

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15. Allergy Relief

Another surprising benefit is how it can provide relief from irritated and swollen sinuses and other allergy symptoms. To get relief, apply a drop or two to the back of the neck chest area or between your eyes.

16. Closet and Drawer Freshener

Lavender oil can not only help you keep closets and drawers smelling fresh, but it can also help repel moths! Add a few drops to a cotton ball and tuck the cotton ball into the closet or dresser drawer. Replace as necessary.

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17. A Relaxing Soaking Bath

Feeling a bit sore after a workout? Add a few drops to a big handful of Epsom salts in a hot bath and enjoy! Soak for a least 20 minutes to relieve stress, sore muscles, and tension. It can even help lessen anxiety levels or just improve your overall well-being through its calming effects. You just may want to add this to your weekly regiment!

18. Spray-On Sunburn Relief

Add 10 drops to 3 ounces of cool distilled water in a spray bottle and shake vigorously to mix. Spritz the mixture over sunburned skin for cool, calming relief. Store the mixture in your refrigerator for instant cooling when you need it!

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19. Deodorize Pet Spots

Sometimes cleaning pet spots is just not enough. To remove stubborn pet smells from surfaces, add a few drops of lavender oil to a half-cup of baking soda. Sprinkle over the affected area and let sit for about a half-hour. Just vacuum it up!

20. Headache Reliever

Lavender has often proven effective as a headache reliever when other treatments have failed. Rub some diluted lavender oil into your temples to help soothe your headaches and lie down until the pain lessens.

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21. Natural Acne Treatment

Lavender oil can serve as an affordable, natural acne treatment. Since it can kill bacteria, it can serve both as a treatment and preventative by cleaning out pores. Just apply it to the skin daily.

22. A Treatment for Dry Skin

The antifungal properties in lavender oil make it an excellent treatment for eczema, dry skin, and other skin irritations. It also helps reduce inflammation. Just mix a couple of drops with an equal amount of tea tree oil and combine with 2 teaspoons of coconut oil. Apply daily.

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23. Burn Treatment

Lavender oil’s pain-relieving and numbing effects help soothe the inflammation, while the beta-caryophyllene in the oil also acts as a natural anti-inflammatory. These qualities team to make it an excellent treatment for burns.

24. Natural Insect Repellent

Lavender oil serves not only as a bug bite treatment but as a natural repellant. Rub some on exposed areas of the skin before heading outdoors.

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25. Premenstrual Emotional Symptoms

Finding a universal treatment for the emotional aspects of PMS is not easy. Many women, however, have found relief and comfort in using lavender oil. Using lavender in aromatherapy has shown to be effective for many.

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Don't Just Take My Word For It!

Here is what fellow OGT readers have to say about lavender essential oil:

“This lavender is perfection! As I gradually try out Jillee's products, I'm happy to recommend the lavender essential oil to everyone who's thinking about using it. It's fragrant, long-lasting, and - I don't know if this will make sense to you - it's very smooth! Smooth as in "consistently, really good." Lavender is my favorite fragrance, and I'll definitely be ordering more again soon!”


“I love the scent of lavender! It is such a calming and relaxing smell. I use it on dryer balls, in my diffusers (especially the one in the bedroom), and in my linen freshening spray. It blends well with other oils, too: citrus, fir, spice, and woodsy. I always keep at least two bottles on hand, and some always travels with me!"


“While out shopping, I've found & tried other lavender essential oils. But I love your lavender. It's so much better, with that wonderful relaxing scent that you experience after trying it! Others that I've tried can't compare to yours!!”


“I mostly use this to make stinky things smell better. My feet sweat in my sneakers and flats when I don’t wear socks. Putting a cotton ball with lavender oil on it inside my shoes makes them smell nice again.”


“I recently purchased a bottle of lavender oil from Jillee's Shop, and what I'd like to say about it is: WOW, WOW, WOW!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!! The scent is amazing. As this is my first time buying any of the oils from the Jillee shop, I can definitely say I am sold. Lavender is absolutely my new addiction!! Thanks for carrying only top-quality essential oils in your shop, Jillee!!”

Teresa L.

Don't forget - all of my oils are backed by my 100% money-back guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied for any reason, just contact me within 90 days to receive a full refund.