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The Best Way To Get To Know The 2 Most Useful Oils
Find out why I recommend these oils to everyone, and download my printable guide to learn dozens of great ways to use them.

Jill Nystul • October 1, 2022

Jill Nystul • December 20, 2023

Jill Nystul • December 20, 2023

Jill Nystul • December 20, 2023

Getting started with using essential oils can be intimidating, partly because there are so many different oils out there! And while every oil is useful in its own way, some are more versatile (and more helpful around the house) than others.
So to help simplify matters, this post will focus on my top two favorite essential oils — the two that I believe are the most useful to have on hand.

The 2 Most Useful Essential Oils To Have At Home
In my humble opinion, the two most useful essential oils to have at home are lavender and lemon. Whenever I’m asked which essential oils are the best to buy first (which is a question I’m asked frequently!), these are the two I recommend.
Why lemon and lavender, you ask? Because there are so many practical ways to use them! With these two oils at your disposal, you can clean, sanitize, and freshen just about anything in your home.

How To Use My Two Favorite Oils
But the best way to discover how useful these oils are isn’t for me to tell you about it — it’s by experiencing them for yourself! That’s why I’ve put together a handy beginner-friendly guide to these oils featuring dozens of practical ways to use them around the house.
But you don’t have to be a beginner to find this guide useful! It’s great as a reference for more experienced essential oil users too. Keep a copy of it at your desk or in a cupboard so it’s always close at hand.

Download The Printable Beginners Guide
Download your free copy of my “Beginners Guide To My Two Favorite Oils” by CLICKING HERE. With this helpful guide on hand, you’ll feel like an expert in no time!