7 Sneaky Things That Can Age You More Than Wrinkles

7 Sneaky Things That Can Age You More Than Wrinkles

Wrinkles are the most obvious sign of aging, but these subtler signifiers can have a bigger impact than you might realize.

Jill Nystul • April 27, 2024

Jill Nystul • April 27, 2024

Jill Nystul • April 27, 2024

Jill Nystul • April 27, 2024

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It seems a bit strange looking back, but I was much more sensitive about my age when I turned 40 than I was when I turned 50. (I wonder if it’s like that for everyone, or if I’ve just personally mellowed out a bit?) However, even though I’m more at peace with my age now than I have been in the past, I would still rather avoid looking any older than I actually am!

And since I’m positive that I’m not the only one who feels this way, I think that today’s post will be useful for all of us! :-) Because there are plenty of sneaky culprits that are capable of making you look older than you’d like. But with the help of the tips in this post, you can rest assured that none of these culprits gets past you unnoticed!

7 Sneaky Things That Make You Look Older

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1. Redness & Inflammation

As if redness and inflammation from sun exposure and rosacea weren’t already bad enough, it turns out that these symptoms can also amplify signs of aging! Inflamed skin can cause wrinkles to appear deeper than they really are, and make your skin tone appear uneven.

The simplest way to avoid redness and inflammation is to use gentle skincare products. A product with vitamin C like my Illuminating Vitamin C Serum, can help even out skin tone. And always, ALWAYS protect your skin from the sun, not just when it’s sunny out. Moisturizer is also a must — choose one that both hydrates and moisturizes. I especially love my Ideal Daily Moisturizer!

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2. Dry Hands

Moisture is crucial for keeping skin looking firm and and vibrant, especially when it comes to your hands. The thin skin on our hands doesn’t produce as much natural moisture as the rest of our skin. So our hands are already prone to dryness, and we often make it worse through sun exposure, repeated washings, and wear and tear.

To keep your the skin on your hands looking nice and soft and healthy, make sure to moisturize them daily. Also, when you apply your sunscreen in the morning, apply some to the backs of your hands as well, to protect them from the sun. And before you go to bed, slather on a rich hand cream or body butter.

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3. Droopy Eyes

Dark circles, bags, and fine lines around your eyes can all make you look older (or at least keep you from looking well rested and healthy). To combat these issues, apply an anti-aging eye cream every night to keep the sensitive skin around your eyes moisturized.

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4. Saggy Skin

The skin on our necks is thin, and thin skin tends to lose its elasticity more quickly. Personally, watching the skin on my neck start to droop and sag was really disheartening. So I started looking for solutions online, and ended up learning about some simple neck exercises and skincare products that can help lift saggy neck skin.

A night serum with retinoids and antioxidants boosts cell turnover, which can help the appearance of wrinkles, and using it at night gives it time to renew your skin and minimize the appearance of lines and wrinkles. I love using my Wrinkle Reducing Night Serum. It's the first retinol product that's worked for my super sensitive skin!

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5. Improper Cleansing

Failing to cleanse your face thoroughly can lead to clogged pores and sensitive skin. And on the other end of the spectrum, scrubbing your face overzealously or with harsh products can dry out your skin and amplify wrinkles. So it’s important to find that sweet spot between too clean and not clean enough!

If you haven’t already done so, I suggest trying my double cleansing method: an oil cleanse routine, followed by a gentle cleanser like my Purifying Daily Cleanser that won't dry out your skin. This double-cleansing method tends to be better for aging skin because it removes makeup and impurities without stripping the skin of its natural moisture.

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6. Makeup Mistakes

I don’t pretend to be a makeup expert by any means, but I do know that makeup can either help or hinder your anti-aging efforts in a big way! Over the last few years, I’ve picked up a lot of useful tips that have helped me avoid the makeup mistakes that can make you look older than you’d like. Learn how to avoid those makeup mistakes in this post.

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7. Bad Habits

While skincare and makeup both play significant roles when it comes to appearance, there are plenty of other factors that can make you look older than you’d like to! And many of those take the form of simple lifestyle choices.

Your body produces stress hormones in response to stressful conditions (like work stress, mental health issues, lack of sleep, etc.), and those hormones can actually speed up the aging process!

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Looking For A Gentle Skin Care Line?

I've mentioned a few of my Timeless by Jillee skincare products in this post. They work together to help even those of us with sensitive skin to fight the effects of aging! And you don't just have to take my word for it. Here's what fellow OGT readers have to say:

"Have used this skincare line for a full year now. Every day. Twice a day. After 70 years, I finally have comfortable skin. No itching, redness, flaking, or tightness. Others have noted the improvement in my skin as well, and one daughter is also now using this system. I can’t vouch for each product as I use the whole system but can say that my skin has never looked or felt better. Thank you, Jillee, for coming up with a complete line that my super-sensitive rosacea skin can tolerate. I can finally say that I am literally comfortable in my own skin for the first time in years."


“I love the simplicity of this skin care kit. I have seen a big difference in my skin, especially at the corners of my eyes where I had really bad dry patches from sun damage. Nothing I tried in the past helped and after just a week I noticed the skin healing and becoming smooth and clear. This beats some of the expensive name brand creams and serums. I love the feel and the fragrance of all the products. I am a fan for life now!”


“I’ve been using the Timeless skin care package since it first came out and I really love it! My skin is so smooth and seems brighter (I am 50 years young!). The fine lines also appear less noticeable. I have been following the regimen as directed twice a day. The products last a long time, smell nice and fresh, and are easy to apply. I would highly recommend this skincare line!!”


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Vitamin C Serum

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