This DIY Facial Makes Skin Look Radiant, And It’s So Easy

Many beauty trends claim to be the key to smooth, glowing skin, but few are as easy and affordable as this one!

Jill Nystul • June 2, 2023

Jill Nystul • December 20, 2023

Jill Nystul • December 20, 2023

Jill Nystul • December 20, 2023

The Cold, Hard Facts About Ice Facials

Ice facials are just the most recent example of a Korean beauty trend that has taken the world by storm, and when I first heard about it, it was intrigued, yet somewhat skeptical. My skepticism stemmed from the fact that the process basically boils down to rubbing ice on your face — how could something so simple benefit your skin in any appreciable way?

However, I was willing to give it this trend a try based on what I’d read about its purported benefits. Proponents of ice facials say they enjoy glowing skin that appears visibly smoother, which all sounded pretty great to me!

Other aspects of the ice facial trend appealed to me too: first, it’s basically free (all you really need is ice), and second, it doesn’t involve harsh ingredients that might aggravate my sensitive skin. Plus, what better way to cool down on a hot summer day than with a cooling ice facial?

In this post, I’m sharing everything you need to know about ice facials, from how they can benefit your skin to how to do it at home. So let’s get started!

What Are The Benefits Of Ice Facials?

There are 6 main benefits associated with ice facial treatments:

  • It’s cheap and easy to do.
  • Much like icing an injury, icing your face can help to reduce puffiness and inflammation.
  • Ice helps to minimize pores and thus reduce oil production, which may help prevent breakouts.
  • Ice also constricts blood vessels and promotes blood circulation, which can give your skin a healthy, radiant glow.
  • If you apply a serum or other product before doing an ice facial, it can help your skin absorb the product more effectively.
  • Ice facials may even aid in reducing wrinkles, according the National Institutes Of Health.

How To Do An Ice Facial

As I mentioned earlier, all you really need to be able to give yourself an ice facial is ice, but here are a couple of other tools that can make the experience better for you and your skin:

  • Dedicated Ice Cube Tray: To ensure a supply of clean ice, consider getting a separate ice cube tray that you’ll only use for ice facials. (You can find special ice molds for ice facials online, but a regular ice cube tray works fine too!)
  • Gauze: Standard gauze not only makes ice more comfortable to hold, but you can also use it as a barrier between the ice and your face. (This is recommended for sensitive or aging skin.)
  • Clean Cloth Or Towel: As the ice melts, you’ll want a towel or cloth nearby that you can use to mop up drips and puddles.



Wash your hands, then use your normal cleanser to wash your face. Apply a serum, if desired, then wrap an ice cube in a piece of gauze.

Gently massage the ice cube over your face in circular motions, and keep the ice moving as you go. Keep massaging with circular motions until you’ve gone over your entire face: cheeks, chin, forehead, jaw, nose, and around your mouth. (It may take a few minutes, but try not to exceed 10 minutes in total.)

After icing your skin, apply a generous amount of your favorite moisturizer to your still-damp skin. The moisturizer will help seal in that extra hydration for glowing, dewy skin. Limit ice facial treatments to once daily at most, or as needed or desired.

Take Your Ice Facial To The Next Level

While plain water is great, you can enjoy additional benefits from making ice cubes for your face using other skin-friendly substances. Here are a few options that can help you target specific skin concerns:

Green Tea Cubes

Pour green tea into an ice cube tray to make green tea cubes. Green tea is a well known natural remedy for puffy skin, especially around the eyes.

Aloe Vera Cubes

Frozen aloe vera cubes can help reduce redness and inflammation, and make a very soothing treatment for sunburns and other minor skin irritations.

Rice Water Cubes

Rice water is full of skin-nourishing vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. Freeze some in an ice cube tray for an extra beneficial ice facial!

Chilled Cucumber Slices

If your skin is too sensitive to use anything frozen on it, chilled cucumber slices are a great alternative and offer similar benefits.

The Last Word On Ice Facials

While this at-home ice facial treatment has plenty of benefits, don’t forget that healthy, beautiful skin starts with healthy habits! Prioritize sleep, hydration, and nutrition to give your skin what it needs to look and feel its best.

And finally, as you probably already know, at-home treatments like these require consistency and patience. Keep at it for at least a month or so in order to see lasting results!