The Easiest DIY Remedy For Stuffy Noses And Sinus Congestion

With just a few simple materials, you can make a portable form of congestion relief that’s quick and easy to use.

Jill Nystul • November 29, 2023

Jill Nystul • December 20, 2023

Jill Nystul • December 20, 2023

Jill Nystul • December 20, 2023


Have you ever used an over-the-counter nasal spray to help with sinus congestion? I tried one a few years ago, and it ended up being one of the most miserable experiences of my life!

After using nasal spray several days in a row to help with congestion from a bad head cold, I started feeling better and stopped using it. But within a day or two, the congestion came back twice as severe as it had been when I started using the spray!

The Dark Side Of Nasal Sprays: The “Rebound Effect”

As I later learned, this “rebound effect” is a fairly common side effect of nasal sprays. The spray helps initially, only for your symptoms to worsen when you stop using the spray, trapping you in a cycle of nasal spray dependence. (I only wish I’d known about that particular side effect before I picked up the nasal spray in the first place!)

Once I figured out what was happening, I quit the spray “cold turkey,” but it still took a couple of weeks before the “rebound effect” wore off. I felt so miserable during those weeks that I vowed never to reach for a medicated nasal spray again! But if I hadn’t gone through that ordeal, I wouldn’t have come up with the natural alternative I’ll be sharing with you in today’s post, so I guess it turned out alright in the end! :-)

Here, I’ll show you how to make a handy “Breathe Jar” with natural essential oils that help to soothe inflamed sinuses, open airways, and relieve congestion! Give it a try when you’re feeling a bit stuffed up, and you’ll understand why it’s one of my go-to remedies for congestion relief!

How To Make A “Breathe Jar” For Congestion Relief

You’ll need:

*If you don’t have Defend on hand, feel free to substitute any or all of the following single oils: eucalyptus, peppermint, and lemon (all of which contribute to Defend’s respiratory benefits!)

**All Clear is an allergy-focused blend of oils with properties that can help with congestion, irritation, and inflammation. Defend and All Clear are both great choices for this project, so use whichever you prefer!



Place a few cotton balls into a small jar, then add 15 drops of Defend or All Clear (or 15 drops of the substitutes mentioned above) directly onto the cotton balls. Cover the jar with an airtight lid for storage.


How To Use Your Breathe Jar

When sinus congestion is bothering you, open the jar, hold it up to your face, and breathe in slowly and deeply through your nose. (If your jar is big enough to fit over your nose and mouth, the heat from your breath can help activate the compounds in the oils and boost the congestion-relieving effects.


After using your jar, replace lid securely. Repeat as often as needed to help keep airways open and congestion under control. (Some people have even said it helps with a cough too!)


When you’re not using it, store your Breathe Jar in a cool, dry place. If the scent starts to fade, add more essential oil to the cotton balls to refresh its effects.

I’m sure you will be as amazed as I was at how well this natural remedy works. And best of all—no pesky “rebound effect” here! :-)

Do you have any tips or tricks for congestion relief?