9 Of The Most Useful Hacks For Surviving Cold & Flu Season

Cold and flu season is here in a big way! These helpful hacks will help you survive sickness and get back on your feet fast. (#3 has been particularly useful for me this week!)

Jill Nystul • January 14, 2020

Jill Nystul • December 20, 2023

Jill Nystul • December 20, 2023

Jill Nystul • December 20, 2023


Unfortunately for me, this week I finally succumbed to the cold that has been going around recently. But on the bright side, I was already working on today’s post when I got sick, so I had some great cold and flu hacks up my sleeve that have already come in handy! :-)

Cold and flu season is in full swing everywhere, so I was already hard at work hunting down tips and tricks that could help us survive it! And I’m happy to share them with all of you today, because I know I’ve been grateful to know about them!

So without further ado, here are 9 helpful cold and flu hacks that will help you and your family survive sickness and get back on your feet ASAP!

9 Of The Most Useful Cold & Flu Hacks


1. Medicine Helper

Have a little one who is less than enthusiastic about drinking cold medicine or cough syrup? A Dum Dum lollipop can help!

Just dip the lollipop into the medicine and hand it over. Dum Dums work best because they’re smaller than other types of lollipops, so they fit better into the small medicine measuring cups.


2. Overnight Cough Treatment

Vapor rubs like Vicks aren’t only useful on your chest! If you have a nasty cough, apply the vapor rub liberally to your feet before bed and pull on a pair of socks.

The bottoms of your feet are great at absorbing topical solutions, and the socks will help prevent the cream from rubbing off on your sheets. You’ll wake up feeling less congested, and your feet will feel softer too!


3. Tissue Trash Can

Piles of used tissues are a common sight when someone in the house is sick. Leaving out used tissues can spread germs around, but there’s a simple solution to keep them contained!

Place an empty tissue box alongside a full one, then secure them together with a couple of rubber bands. The empty box makes a perfect “trash can” for used tissues, and attaching it to the tissues ensures it will always be close by!


4. Crockpot Humidifier

Dry air leads to dry nasal passages, and dry nasal passages aren’t as effective at filtering out germs. But you can use your crockpot to help restore moisture to the air in your home!

Just fill your crockpot about three-quarters of the way full of water, cover it, then turn it on High. Let it warm up for about an hour, then remove the cover to allow the moisture to escape.

Add more water to the crockpot as needed, and check on it regularly to make sure it doesn’t dry out.


5. Treat Your Throat

Need relief from a sore throat? Treat yourself to a marshmallow! The gelatin in marshmallows helps coat your throat, soothing soreness and irritation.


6. Get Smart

If someone in the house has the flu, consider investing in a smart thermometer like this one from Kinsa! Not only will the smart thermometer keep track of temperatures via a smartphone app, it can also keep track of medicine doses and symptoms too.


7. Wash Away Congestion

When you’re sick and congested, a warm shower can work wonders on its own. But you can make your shower even more effective at relieving congestion by making your own vapor rub shower melts!


8. Dry Skin Solution

All the sneezing, mouth breathing, and nose blowing you do when you’re sick can lead to seriously dry, chapped skin. Dab some honey onto areas of chapped skin for soothing relief and healing moisture!


9. Eat Ginger

When you’re sick, look for ways to add more ginger into your diet. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can help to clear up your sinuses, and it may have additional pain relieving qualities as well.

Foods with fresh ginger and ginger tea are both good options, or if you prefer, you can make your own candied ginger to snack on!

What’s your best tip for surviving a cold or the flu?