This Is The Best Anti-Aging Solution For Sensitive Skin

I thought I'd never find an effective anti-aging serum that agreed with my sensitive skin, but this one made that dream a reality.

Jill Nystul • April 23, 2024

Jill Nystul • April 23, 2024

Jill Nystul • April 23, 2024

Jill Nystul • April 23, 2024

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My Search For The Best Wrinkle Serum For Sensitive Skin

Although retinol is a proven, dermatologist-recommended ingredient that can help minimize wrinkles and fight fine lines and other signs of aging, I’ve tried a number of retinol products that were too harsh for my sensitive skin. My skin is both dry and highly sensitive, so most retinol products and night serums have made both problems worse.

But I’ve finally find an anti-aging retinol product that not only works, but that is gentle enough that I can use it regularly without my skin getting overly dry or irritated!

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What Makes This Wrinkle Reducing Night Serum Different?

The first time I tried this Wrinkle Reducing Night Serum, I knew it was different from others I’d tried in the past. Then after a few months of using it, I was positive it was the perfect thing to add to my Timeless by Jillee skincare collection!

One reason why my Wrinkle Reducing Night Serum is uncommonly gentle compared to other wrinkle serums is that it contains soothing chamomile and carrot extracts. These calming ingredients help keep skin calm and comfortable, rather than red and sensitized.

I just put it on before bed, and I sleep more soundly knowing that the serum is working to promote healthy skin renewal all night long. And in the morning, I feel like my skin is refreshed and ready for a new day.

How To Use This Serum Safely And Effectively

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1. Apply It At Night

It’s best to apply retinol products at night because wearing them during the day can make your skin more sensitive to sunlight. Applying it at bedtime—it is a night serum, after all—also gives the serum ample time to help renew your skin and minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while you get your beauty sleep.

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2. Start Slow

Retinoids like the retinyl palmitate in my Wrinkle Reducing Night Serum help boost cell turnover to improve the appearance of wrinkles, acne, and hyperpigmentation. This process can sometimes cause dryness and redness to occur at first, especially if your skin isn’t acclimated to retinoid use.

The best approach is to start by using it once or twice a week, then gradually increase the frequency if your skin is tolerating it well. Some people find they can use it every day, but you may prefer to use it every other day—whatever feels best for your skin!

Bonus Tip: Retinol works even better when used as part of a routine that includes hyaluronic acid (which is the star ingredient in my Ideal Daily Moisturizer!)

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3. Wear Sunscreen

As your Wrinkle Reducing Night Serum starts to boost cell turnover and skin renewal, the new skin underneath will be soft, sensitive, and in need of protection! So it’s important to wear sunscreen every day, ideally SPF 30 or higher.

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What OGT Readers Are Saying About It

While I’m happy that I found a great anti-aging serum for my own use, I’m even more thrilled that other women are experiencing similar results and have found a product they love. Here’s what a few OGT readers have had to say about the Wrinkle Reducing Night Serum:

"I have very sensitive dry mature skin. This night serum is fabulous. My skin feels so hydrated and soft and the smell is divine. This is my go to serum and it really works!"


"I have been using Jillee's nighttime face serum for over a year now, and I love it! It goes on creamy, no greasiness, and my face still feels moist and soft in the morning. I use the Vitamin C serum in the morning and the wrinkle reducer at night. I was 60 years old last year and still passing 50. Thanks, Jillee!!"

Allison F.

"I have sensitive skin, and this serum with retinol does not irritate it at all. It sinks in nicely. I use it every night, and I have definitely seen some improvement already in my skin’s texture. I would definitely buy it again."


"It's different! It’s very smooth and smells great; a little goes a long way. What's different, is that it only took a few days to wake up to what looks like smoother skin. I'm new to this, but excited for what results will be long-term. No regrets!"


“I am blessed to have two homes and had to fly north unexpectedly. I thought I had another set of Timeless up north, so I didn’t pack any. Needless to say, I didn’t have any and used some Arbonne I had. I could see and feel the difference within a few days and ordered two more sets of Timeless so I will make sure I have it at each house. It’s so easy and works.”


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Jillee’s results after 8 months of daily use

I’m delighted to be able to share this serum with you after having such a positive experience with it. I love the way my skin looks and feels because of it, and I know you’ll feel the same way!

Right now all of the products in the Timeless by Jillee line are 30% off, but when you buy the complete system you’ll save 40%! That takes the cost down to just $126.57 (regularly $210.95). That’s a savings of more than $80!

And if you’re not completely satisfied with the Timeless by Jillee products for any reason, just contact me within 90 days to receive a full refund. That’s how confident I am in these products!


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Learn More About Timeless By Jillee

Get the inside scoop on the rest of the Timeless by Jillee skincare system by checking out these blog posts: