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Dazzling Dish Soap eBook - By Jillee Shop
Dazzling Dish Soap eBook - By Jillee Shop

Dazzling Dish Soap eBook

$10.00 FREE with OGT Plus! Learn more

“28 Easy Ways To Use Dawn To Clean (Almost) Anything”

Dazzling Dish Soap is filled with handy tips, cleaning recipes, and laundry solutions that center around the grease-cutting power of Dawn dish soap.

The 28 problem-solving solutions in these pages will leave you in awe of just how much that little blue bottle can do!

From eliminating stubborn sweat stains to cutting through garage grease, these tips will help you make short work of even the toughest messes.

Note: This ebook is a DIGITAL FILE ONLY. No physical book will be shipped to you. You will receive instructions to download a PDF file after purchase. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Dish soap

I’ll be honest, things have been so hectic that I haven’t used it yet! But believe me I’m going to use it & I’m sure that I will love it…you are awesome!!! ❤️👏🏼👌🏼😉

Terry Osborne

Excellent product

Who Knew?

I had no idea Dawn was so versatile. Thanks Jillee.

Barb Sturrock
Love this EBook

I have loved every page of this book. With so many uses for the Dawn Original, I am very pleased with this.

Complete Relief

Sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn’t. It has helped me a couple of times with back pain, which is great! Effects lasted several hours. I’ve tried C.R. on the backs of my hands for my arthritis, but it didn’t help. Nor does it help with headaches, so far. It’s just a process of trying it here and there.

Thank heavens it was free

I'm glad I got this for free. If I paid for it I would have felt ripped off. I understand some time goes into typing something up but this was not worth the price tag you're charging. I see the price is now $5. That's much better $20.

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