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Hydrogen Peroxide Magic eBook - By Jillee Shop
Hydrogen Peroxide Magic eBook - By Jillee Shop

Hydrogen Peroxide Magic eBook

$10.00 FREE with OGT Plus! Learn more

"40 Practical Uses For The Marvel In Your Medicine Cabinet"

That understated brown bottle of hydrogen peroxide in your medicine cabinet is actually one of the the most useful items in any natural cleaning toolkit!

Within the pages of this eBook, you'll learn dozens of practical ways to use hydrogen peroxide to sanitize, deodorize, and disinfect your entire home.

With helpful tips for using it in your kitchen, laundry room, and beyond, this eBook will show you the true “magic” contained in that little brown bottle!

Note: This ebook is a DIGITAL FILE ONLY. No physical book will be shipped to you. You will receive instructions to download a PDF file after purchase. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 19 reviews
Sarie S
Hydrogen Peroxide

The book was very interesting and I received my peroxide today so I cannot wait to start.

Carol K.

This document gave me quite a few tips about hydrogen peroxide's many uses. The one I was most surprised about was soaking my electric toothbrush's brushes in hydrogen peroxide between uses to keep them clean and germ free.

Margaret Hergenhahn

Love all the products

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is no longer approved for cuts or scrapes. It’s soap and water again.

Cecilia Ta
Miracle cleaner

So far I have use it to clean minor cuts and scrapes. I also use it to remove stains and to remove mold from bathtub at my rental house. I’ve been traveling a lot for work so haven’t had a chance to use more of the hydrogen peroxide

Mireille Poirier
I have not purchase the peroxide magic

Cannot give you a review because I have not purchased the peroxide magic.

Roberta Kellner
Happy home maker

Enjoyed the information and will use those ideas! Thank you!

Labels are a great addition#

The labels are as well done as everything else on the OGT website. They are the perfect addition to all the cleaners I've made and use. OGT is my favorite website for all of the imaginative, useful ideas and information provided at no cost, but it's even better with the OGT Plus membership. THANKS, Jillee and Team for your consistently excellent benefits and service.

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