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The Getaway Guide eBook - By Jillee Shop

The Getaway Guide eBook

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"Useful Tips & Lists That Will Help You Prepare For Any Trip"

When I was in high school I dreamed about becoming a travel agent, because I figured that was the best way for me to fulfill my dream of “seeing the world.” But once I got to college, I realized there was a whole world of possibilities out there for me career-wise, and the dream of becoming a travel agent lost some of its luster. And even though I never made a career out of it, travel is still something I enjoy to this day!

Since I started writing my blog One Good Thing By Jillee around 8 years ago, I’ve actually done WAY more traveling than I ever imagined doing! And while traveling for business isn’t quite as enjoyable as traveling for fun, I've realized that doing it the right way can at least make it a lot easier!

Regardless of whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, knowing how to properly prepare for a trip can make the whole process easier and more enjoyable. Over the years I’ve learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t, and now I’m pleased to be able to share that knowledge with you!

From tips for keeping your home secure while you’re away, to a packing list that will help you make sure you don't forget a single thing, this eBook is packed with genius travel tips you'll use for every excursion. So pack your bags and start planning your next adventure! Because with the help of this eBook, your future getaways will be nothing but smooth sailing!

Note: This ebook is a DIGITAL FILE ONLY. No physical book will be shipped to you. You will receive instructions to download a PDF file after purchase. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 38 reviews

Helpful%2C common sense guide to organizing and packing. Thanks%2C Jillee%2C for another great “good thing”

Donna Mayotte
Keeps the Process Manageable

Prep for travel can be hectic and confusing; this guide calms the tendency to overwhelm the process and take each step as they come..especially good for people with too much on the brain. I’ve traveled some and I think I’m pretty organized but it’s been a while and this will be a great assist should I take another trip. Good stuff.

Mary Johnson
The Getaway Guide

This book gave me some good ideas for travel! I liked the information about what I needed to do before I left home as well.

Pam Hansen
Get Away Guide

Very helpful

This is a guide.

The guide is comprehensive. From personal experience: turn water off for washing machine and ice maker. PRINT street map for non-tourist locations, i.e. residential areas, and the area around your accommodations. Some hired drivers do not know every location. A printed map can show what you can't explain.

Great Gift!

This came in quite handy just as I was helping my teenage daughter pack for a big trip.
There are all kinds of wonderful tips throughout.
I really enjoyed this.

Jean Butt
Love your tips!


Sandra Klassen
Helpful travel information

The packing lists are especially helpful. The reminders of what to do prior to travel are a good reminder so nothing gets forgotten. Thanks for this concise guide.

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